Smoked Tempeh Sandwich

Smoked Tempeh Sandwich


  • Plant Power Foods Smoked Tempeh
  • Bread of choice (we’ve used sourdough for extra gut goodness)
  • Hummus of choice (we’ve added baked sweet potato to our hummus for extra flavour!)
  • Leafy greens
  • Shredded beetroot
  • Red Hot Firekraut



  • Cut the tempeh into slices. In a small bowl combine 1 Tbsp each of oil, lime juice, tamari and maple syrup. Add the sliced tempeh and marinade for at least 15 minutes.
  • Pour into a heated pan and fry for a few minutes on each side until lightly golden and slightly charred in places.
  • Spread some hummus on each slice of bread for your sandwich.
  • Lay out one slice and layer up with shredded beetroot, smoked tempeh, leafy greens and top with Red Hot Firekraut.
  • Sandwich the other slice of bread on top and enjoy!
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